may 17

be patient. allow pain to come and leave. breathe through pain. listen to body. things will get better soon. health will come.

- m.
- p.
- p.
- d. m.
- w. h.
- m. h.
- f. h.
- a. r.
- k. m.
- t. h.
- c. k.
- l. j.
- c. d.

may 16

yesterday f. told me that they admire the way i work. it stuck with me. seeing that what you do is noticed by people you barely even know; that is such an honourable feeling.

also really enjoyed spending time with w. again. it has been a happy time.

may 12

challenge: listen to music as quietly as possible while sensing as much as possible and without getting caught fare-dodging

daydreaming: f. and me. w., k. and f. about f. and me. s., s. and c. listening.
l. and me. l. and i don't even like each other. we fuck anyway. everyone about l. and me.
i end the session with a bad mood and listen to a 2010 heartbreak playlist on spotify before meeting p.

confession: i saw the trace you left on  . i saw it almost right away, only a few days after you placed it. i go there again from time to time, hoping to find something new, a sign of life, a confession, maybe a secret love letter. of course you will not give me that, and of course the trace wasn't meant for me in the first place. i just found it coincidentally. i like to tell myself it was meant for me, anyway.

i thought today about the danish monarchy and then had to go back to work. how many cigarettes did the queen smoke a day?

may 11

i met k. again in b. yesterday. how strange it is to remember that some encounters are banal for one while striking the other to the core. wondering who thinks about me how much, (disproportion)
f. said that owning nothing has a lot to do with fear. i see that, but i also see s.
his idea: a list of all possessions

ifheayhsnxx estfoxxunxdax xxnotherwxxxo maxnalrexxx dady, hewolöfindxxxxejrsoxon.asw axwas xesoem asd he is,axxx.imxxx iss hixemv yyyxery much.aucht yyuallyxx,uakstillagra ifzjdat, bbvtrtg eahsin, infeilkk neez skmeoine asdf prefecasxx xcolodrzo perfexxvt asd h xxi xxm-

may 10

looked through so many mirrors yesterday. posture, attitude (haltung) reflection

d. and i found similarities in our stories. someone asked us if we were sisters. just as before.
told her that i feel weird about having my ego pushed by the thought of     missing me (a bit from time to time, maybe). then added that i don't aspire to overcome my ego anyway, but to be happy. (lol?)

still struggling to find words for s.; s. in every stroke, every line, every letter. every breath.

may 7

es muss nicht das ganze leben sein. es ist das ganze leben.
thought about writing "some day i will get there." how ironic

may 6

s. from p.
s. from f.

s. is found
s. is found
s. is found
s. is found
s. is found
in every stroke,
every line,
every letter.
(in every breath)

enter the c.c. house and you'll be -

thinking about SPECIMEN (the pointed shoe)
repeated -ly
thinking about s.
giving s. new meaning,
repeatedly trying to

may 5

may 1

151 kwh

april 29

april 20

addendum: i hope your dad can use my sock

april 19

april 17

[...] interruptions are disasters. to hold onto the "silver cord", that is the

april 16

observed a little girl in the metro today. our eyes met. instead of looking away, she
smiled at me. it was a deep beautiful smile, the kind that goes to the core, almost redeemed;

april 11

4th district still smells like you (LG gone mad)

april 5

just read through old chats with m. felt so much back then, left so much unsaid
i'm afraid of making myself vulnerable again, and yet it feels like it has to happen

(archival note: i bought this notebook already in 2021 and took it with me on four moves without ever using it. a couple of weeks ago, i wrapped it in white baking paper because i thought it was ugly, then i started writing into it, but i only used a few pages in the end. between the last pages, i put a small branch of forget-me-nots to be pressed. i found them when i was walking down the longmorning. they were growing out of the neighbour's fence. when i was a child, i used to pick forget-me-nots from the exact same spot to give them to m. she always seemed so happy about it.)

april 3

idea: wawwi guarded by securities

april 2

message from j. angry, hurt
motive understandable, accusations party inappropriate

how to handle?
->withdraw and no longer interfere
->talk to j.
->talk to the others

what is the best way to find peace?
what gives me the most?

->no time, no energy

l.-stress over!
sleep and eat healthily, no phone, put phone away, put phone away

tomorrow morning
- pack things
- everything-shower
- eat
- archive
- read

april 1

need to make space to write and reflect without disturbance

where would i like to get c. from?

wavering between x and y/z. maybe i shy away from y/z because i wouldn't know how to accept his affection

w. ->talk or let go
m. ->hug

march 31

march 29

giving my best!!

march 22

you're gonna miss me too, you say

march 9

february 23

An Evocation (beschwörung) of Exuberance (ausgelassenheit). A positive overdose of woods, woody notes and synthetic wood constructions (Wood gone mad).

february 21

february 18

(how) can we protect what we are and yet open up our worlds?

february 16

february 14

february 10

birthday gift idea: amulet with nude picture

february 9

january 9

it's a bit difficult to stop   what   it's difficult to stop